Recognize your best talent and identify areas of improvement.

ACE™ Agent Insights scores the performance of your leasing team on actual calls—no secret shoppers here! Our AI scoring gives you an accurate and holistic view of your employees’ performance.

Say Goodbye to Mystery Shops

There’s a better way to measure employee performance.

A person posing as a customer, or secret shopper, can pose a lot of issues for your properties. With such a small peek at performance, a lot of variables must be accounted for… Did the shopper fit your customer profile? Was it cost-effective? Was the small sample size statistically relevant? Was the shop report accurate? Did the employee figure out it was a shop and alter behavior? Fortunately, there have been major strides in developing new solutions that target these challenges that mystery shops impose.

Powered by AI

LeaseHawk uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to evaluate phone calls. With AI, environmental factors are removed, so scoring remains consistent and accurate.

Customizable Scoring

Calls are scored using a survey of best practices. Customize the survey question weights to fit your property’s vision of employee performance.

Results Available within Minutes

Scores are calculated quickly, so you don’t waste any time waiting for reports. See the performance of your employees and sites in minutes.


Score Actual Prospect Calls

All eligible first-time prospect calls your properties receive are evaluated, giving you a data-rich and holistic view into how your team performs.


Identify Skill Gaps

Use scores to identify areas that need improvement. Target your training to improve overall call performance and recognize your top leasing talent.

Detect Changes in Performance

Use scores to identify areas that need improvement. Target your training to improve overall call performance and recognize your top leasing talent.

Measure, refine, and improve
performance with AI.

Identify agents with voice biometrics.

ACE uses voice biometrics to automatically identify the agent that handled a call. You’ll won’t need to rely on your team to self-identify or enter an employee code—saving time and keeping scores honest!

ACE Chatbot
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Detect changes in performance.

ACE standardizes the process of evaluating your team’s call performance, allowing you to rank results and quickly detect changes.

Evaluate call skills.

Every eligible call is scored using a scorecard of best practices, created by industry professionals within several critical leasing categories. Or you can create your own custom scorecards!

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Identify skill gaps.

Use scores to identify areas that need improvement for each employee or site. Then, you can target your training efforts to improve overall call performance and recognize the efforts of your top talent.  

Get on-demand benchmarking.

View your results at any moment to compare your team against other sites and the entire industry.

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What Makes Us Different

Behind ACE™ Insights, there is a team of dedicated software experts. We fully understand the unique challenges that property management companies and owners face on daily basis.

Evaluate your
employees on


of calls for a holistic
view into how your
team performs

LeaseHawk has scored performance on


calls handles by
leasing agents



leasing professionals have been evaluated and scored by LeaseHawk

More than


multifamily phone calls have been tracked and recorded by LeaseHawk

Get Started with ACE Insights

Our team of multifamily experts would love to understand your current challenges and how ACE Insights can help. Please complete the form below to get in touch with us.