You can spend copious amounts of time and energy poring over data, deciding just where to spend your marketing dollars. And maybe you invest in exactly the right places. Calls are flooding in. But ultimately, it’s your leasing agents who are responsible for turning prospects into renters once the phone rings. How do you know how effective they are? With a call analysis service like LeaseHawk’s Telephone Performance Analysis (TPA), you can measure employee effectiveness.
TPA is a unique service that is more accurate and cost effective than secret shoppers calling your employees. Calls with actual prospects are recorded, reviewed and evaluated by a LeaseHawk analyst and scored based on best practices in the following areas:
· Introduction and guest card information gathering
· Providing pricing information
· Asking qualifying questions
· Offering information on apartment features and community amenities
· Setting or attempting to set appointments
The scorecards allow you to see how your team is performing both overall and individually, making it easy for you to make adjustments as needed.
With TPA, you’ll be able to see across your portfolio, who your top performers are. You’ll also see how your team stacks up against industry averages.
Each quarter, LeaseHawk aggregates TPA scores for all its clients and develops an Industry Report Card (IRC) that is available to the public. You can use it to set benchmarks and expectations within your organization.
For example, the Q2 2018 IRC reported top leasing professionals typically convert 50 percent to 60 percent of qualified telephone traffic as compared with the industry average of 40 percent. Leasing agents were least likely (14 percent) to discuss apartment features and community amenities. With TPA, you can find out how your team compares.
Once you get an idea of your team’s performance, you can deep dive to see where you can do better. Have you set the right expectations? Is your training program effective? What can you do to help your team set more appointments and sign more leases?
Use the TPA data to formulate best practices, including instituting a mentorship program, developing guest card checklists or devising phone scripts.
Compiling an effective employee performance review takes time and skill. TPA scorecards make it easier by delivering all the performance data you need in one place. Use it to give employees concrete examples of what they do well and how they can improve without the need to spend large amounts of time on calls with them or sifting through endless performance notes. Having all the information in one place makes staffing decisions much easier.
Fill out this form to learn more.
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ACE™ Insights has hit a major milestone: analyzing over 1 million calls and providing key insights to help leasing teams perform their best. From AI-generated action items to performance scorecards, see how you can save time, improve training, and give your team the recognition they deserve in 2025.
Take a look back at 2024 with LeaseHawk. This past year ACE™ had groundbreaking performance, key renter insights, and impressive conversion rates. Plus, see what’s ahead for 2025, including our $100,000 Apartment Leasing Agent Giveaway!
Discover how Sterling Group revolutionized their leasing process with ACE™ AI Assistant. By automating lead responses and boosting appointments by 40%, Sterling improved occupancy and renter satisfaction. Learn from their playbook on using AI to drive success in a competitive market.
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